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The #1 Divorce Non-Attorney Preparation Service in Florida

Expedited Divorce Service

We can help you get your divorce paper quicker. Below is an estimate of how long it takes depending on the 3 main categories.


Mutual Agreement



By Publication (Missing Spouse)


By Summons

Steps for a Florida Online Divorce


Request a quote to understand our fees and the process. Once you submit an intake and the deposit you will receive the prepared forms in your email within 24 hours.
We do not have any hidden fees


You and your spouse (if in mutual agreement) will sign the documents in front of a notary. We have a remote notary available if you would like to do the process 100% online.


We will send you a final invoice and help you file the forms in court, If applicable you will receive the final judgment in the mail directly from the court.

How to File Divorce Papers in Florida

Under Florida divorce laws in Florida, you can file for divorce without an attorney. 

Click below for more information on the options:

Simple Divorce in Mutual Agreement

Divorce Quote

A divorce in Florida in mutual agreement means BOTH parties are 100% ready to do what's needed to get divorced. This is perfect when both parties are in agreement with the divorce, and there are no minor children or joint assets and bills involved. This type of divorce is also considered an uncontested divorce. If your ex changes his or her mind, don’t worry we can still help you get your divorce by getting your ex served divorce documents by a licensed process server or sheriff.

This divorce can be done without a court hearing, you will both receive the final judgement from 30 - 45 days on average.

Simple Divorce by Summons

Divorce Quote

This option is used when there are no minor children or joint assets and bills involved HOWEVER, the other party is not in agreement with the divorce or is incarcerated. In this divorce, the other party will be served divorce papers by a sheriff and will have 20 calendar days to respond to the court in writing. If the other person does not answer, a default must be filed before a hearing is requested. If he/she answers then depending on the answer, a final hearing will be scheduled by the court.

Simple Divorce by Publication

Divorce Quote

This option is for when the whereabouts of the other party are unknown and there are no minor children or pending finances. The court requires a newspaper column to run for 30 consecutive days and to submit proof that you searched for your ex in at least 5 different places. 

Once the divorce documents are filed, then the court will require a publication in a local newspaper which will need to run for 30 days. Once the publication expires then default paperwork will need to be filed and then the judge will sign and mail the final judgement.

Divorce with Property in Agreement (no minor children)

This option is used when the divorce is in mutual agreement but there is property or joint bills to split. This divorce is also appropriate when there is permanent alimony or retirement accounts or other monetary situations. After the case is filed a hearing will be scheduled, or if the county that the case is filed supports no-court hearing divorces then the final judgement will be mailed to both parties along with a copy of the Marital Settlement Agreement.

Divorce with Property by Summons (no minor children)

This option is used when there are no minor or dependent children but with joint property, bills, or other monetary things to consider, such as alimony or retirement accounts. If the other party is not in agreement with the divorce or is incarcerated, then a sheriff must get the divorce documents served to the other party. In this divorce the other party will be served initial divorce papers by a sheriff and will have 20 calendar days to respond to the court in writing. If the other person does not answer, then a default needs to be filed before a hearing is requested. If he/she answers then depending on the answer, a final hearing will be scheduled by the court.

Divorce with Property by Publication (no minor children)

Using this option will allow you to get a divorce after filing the divorce documents with the proof of search, then the publication that must run for 30 days and the default paperwork filed; prior to having the final divorce haring scheduled. What the judge can do to restore your marital property will depend on the nature of the property.

Divorce with Children in Mutual Agreement

This option is used when both parties agree, and there are minor or dependent children in the marriage. This divorce is the most complicated of them all since there are a lot of requirements to fulfill. First, a parenting plan is required, and child support payments calculations need to be made. Child support is a mandatory issue that must be addressed and entered into the Marital Settlement Agreement.

Divorce with Children by Summons

If the other party is uncooperative, incarcerated, or the relationship is toxic, then the sheriff should be serving your ex. In this process, only your documents are presented at the time of filing the case, and then the sheriff or private process server will serve your ex. He/she will have 20 calendar days to respond in writing. If they fail to do so, then Default paperwork will need to be filed. Because there are children, most likely, the court will require that both of you attend mediation and that decisions are made. If he/she does not participate in mediation, then you will most likely get whatever you asked for in the petition at a final hearing.

Home Page 1

One of the requirements for every divorce filed in Florida is that one of the parties has lived in Florida for at least the last 6 months, demonstrated with a Florida driver’s license.


If you do not have a Florida driver’s license, let us know and we will prepare an Affidavit of Witness for someone that does have a Florida driver’s license older than 6 months can vouch for you. 



How Our Process Works

Why People Choose Divorce in FL Online and Not Others?

Most of clients receive their final judgement without going to a hearing.  We will NOT drop you and we will not stop helping you until you are divorced. We understand that sometimes your ex will not cooperate and we are prepared in case that happens.

We also DO NOT have any hidden fees. That’s just not how we roll.


Our organization has helped 100's of people get their divorce final.

Florida Based

We are based in Florida and work with most courthouses. Get a quote to get more detailed information.


Most of clients receive their final judgement in the mail without stepping into a courthouse.

How Much Does it Cost?

Get a flat fee quote by pressing on the blue button 

About Yamil Francisco

Yamil Francisco is a Florida based document preparer (non-attorney). She started her journey helping people move forward while in a domestic abuse shelter with her 4 children many years ago.


A passionate advocate of ALANON, a 12 Step Program for family and friends of alcoholics and healing past wounds with God’s help. With her 10 years of experience in the document preparation industry, she has helped hundreds of people to move on with their life by keeping her fees reasonable but still providing excellent customer service.


We are committed to treating everyone with dignity and privacy, while providing fast turnarounds without compromising quality

Yamil Francisco Florida Document Preparer

How Should I Choose a Divorce Preparation Service or Divorce Attorney?

  • 1 – make sure they are based in Florida.
    There are many companies that are not based in Florida offering Florida divorce documents that are available for free in this is ok however every county in Florida is different and may have additional forms required.
    These companies will not figure out what is missing and how to fill it out. We are based in Florida and have worked with most counties.
    If there is anything else required we will figure out what that is and prepare the form.

    2 – are they going to help you file the forms with the court?
    Another issue is that many other companies do not help you file the forms in the court. Their fee may be lower than ours however they do 1/2 the work.

    3 – what if something changes?
    Many divorce preparation companies do not do divorce by summons or missing spouse divorces. If there are changes to the process such as it was going to be in mutual agreement but your ex refuses to sign and now it he/she needs to get served with a summons. We take care of the changes required with no additional fees.

    4 – do they charge monthly fees?
    It is our understanding that some companies are charging a monthly fee if you don’t get your documents finalized within a few months. We do not charge any monthly fees. You can take your time with us.

    5 – do they add their information to the bottom of the divorce forms?
    As non-lawyers any document preparer MUST add their information to the disclosure in the bottom of the forms. We have seen many forms from other companies without their information added and that’s a big concern.

Getting Results for our Clients for More Than a Decade!

If you are looking for a professional to help you with your divorce documents we suggest you get a quote because most divorce service providers are not the same.

Make sure to ask for a breakdown of their fees, what their process entails and what will they do if your ex stops cooperating.

  • Experienced - We have more than a decade of experience.
  • Speed and reliability - Our clients usually receive their documents the same day.
  • An integrated approach - We have a remote notary, we file the documents in the court, we mail documents to the court and respondent in our clients behalf.
  • How Accessible They Are - Our clients can reach someone in our office by email or calling 800-474-1970...not a call center
  • Reviews - Our reviews speak for themselves, A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau and over 100 Reviews Glowing Reviews in Google.
  • Bilingual - We speak Spanish and our written communications are bilingual as well.
divorce attorney preparing a divorce in Florida

A dissolution of marriage can be a very stressful and daunting process. This is especially true when you are dealing with the finances of two families. While there are many ways to handle this aspect of your life, it is important that you take advantage of the guidance of an expert.

If you choose to hire someone else please scroll down to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section and read the advice we have there to help you ask intelligent questions and make sure you are not ending up spending more or not helped the way you thought you would.


Customer Reviews

These are some of our reviews left by prior clients

Frequently Asked Questions​

We are document preparers – No Legal Advice is Provided

I am in this country illegally. Can I still get a divorce?

Yes you can. Depending on your divorce you may qualify for a no-court hearing divorce. Request your quote above to see if you qualify.

We got married in another State/Country. Can we still get divorced in Florida?
As long as either one of you have lived in the State of Florida for the last 6 months, we can help you.
Are you an attorney?
No we are not an attorney or paralegals. In the State of Florida paralegals are not allowed to work directly with the public and if we were paralegals we cannot share that fact. We are more like your for-hire divorce secretary.
Does someone in the office speaks Spanish?
Si! Hablamos y escribimos en Español
Do I need to sign the documents in front of a notary?
Yes, divorce documents must be signed in front of a notary.
Are you based in Florida?
Yes we are.
Can I file for divorce if my ex lives in a different state?
Yes as long as you have lived in Florida more than 6 consecutive months. If you have children together the children should also live in Florida the majority of the last 5 years in most cases.
I can’t find my ex, can I still get a divorced?
Yes you can. It’s a process that uses a Notice of Action which requires proof that your ex can’t be found and a publication is isued in a local newspapers for 30 days. It’s a divorce with multiple steps which need to be done in certain order. For more information request a quote and you will receive an email with the process explained. We call it a divorce by publication and it’s more common than people know.
How do I prove to the court that I have lived in Florida more than 6 months?
The court requires a Florida driver’s license however if you do not have one there is a form called “affidavit of witness” that someone that does have a Florida driver’s license older than 6 months, can notarize on your behalf. We provide the form for our clients when needed.
How much does it cost to file for a dissolution of marriage?
Our fee varies based on the process that you need. Click here to get a no commitment quote emailed to you. The court filing fee is the same as a physical divorce which is $408 however the court has a program for low income individuals where the court filing fee can be waived. Many of our clients qualify for this program.
Can you get divorced online in Florida?
Yes you can get divorced online in Florida. Not only does the court has an e-filing portal that allows to file a divorce case without stepping into the courthouse; since January 2020 Florida now has RON (remote online notary) which makes the process even easier. And finally, many divorces can be done without a court hearing, where the judge mais the final judgement in the mail by just reviewing the documents on the computer.
How long does an online divorce take in Florida?
It depends on the type of divorce. No court hearing divorces take an average of 30 days if in mutual agreement or 90 days if by publication. If a hearing is required then it will depend on when the case is ready for a hearing and when the judge is available.
Can you get a divorce without the other person signing in Florida?
Yes, in Florida you can get divorced without the other person signing. If you do not know where he/she is or if your spouse won’t cooperate; you can still get a divorce.
How long does a uncontested divorce take in Florida?
An uncontested divorce without a court hearing takes around 30 to 45 days. The final judgement is received in the mail directly from the court.
How long do you have to be separated in Florida to get a divorce?
The State of Florida does not have a waiting period or what some called legal separation. In Florida you can get a divorced immediately upon making the decision even if you still live together.
What forms do I need to file for a divorce?
Each type of divorce have their own set of forms needed to file for a divorce in the State of Florida. While the forms are available for free on the Internet you won’t know what you need and what you don’t need. That’s the biggest advantage of working with a Florida based document preparer.

Letting Go Blog

Here are anonymous posts from some of our clients