
Quick Divorce in Fl Process

florida quick divorce

Fastest Way to Get a Florida Divorce: Simple and Stress-Free Process

Are you seeking a Florida quick divorce? The quickest way to get a divorce in Florida is 30 to 45 days without no court hearing. Going through a divorce is challenging, and the last thing you need is a lengthy and expensive process. Fortunately, there’s a way to finalize your divorce in as little as 30 to 45 days, but certain criteria must be met. Our Florida divorce preparation office will guide you through the details.

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 The Key: No Court Hearing Dissolution of Marriage

If you want a swift divorce in Florida, the No Court Dissolution of Marriage process is your answer. This streamlined approach can get your divorce finalized within about 30 to 45 days from the filing date WITHOUT EVER STEPPING INTO THE COURTHOUSE. To qualify for this speedy option, both you and your spouse must agree on all terms in an uncontested divorce.

Eligibility Criteria for a Quick Dissolution of Marriage

To qualify for a No Court Hearing Dissolution of Marriage, there are specific conditions to meet. Not all divorces qualify to have the final hearing waived. For starters, if the parties are fighting, arguing or if there has been domestic violence, then this process won’t work. If the couple have under 18 years of age but the non-custodial parent does not financially support the children this process will not be appropriate. Additionally, neither party can be expecting a child and if one party wants alimony but the other party is not in agreement of such support, this type of divorce is not permissible. Furthermore, both spouses must waive their right to a divorce trial and appeal.

Finally, if the whereabouts of the other party is not known, the no court hearing divorce process will only work if there are no minor children or pending financial items.

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Meeting State Requirements for Divorce

In addition to the criteria mentioned above, your marriage must meet the state requirements for a divorce. As Florida allows no-fault divorces, you do not need to establish that your spouse is responsible for the marriage’s breakdown. However, you do need to demonstrate that one of the parties has been a resident of the state for at least six months.

Navigating the Filing Process

Filing for a No Court Dissolution of Marriage involves specific paperwork provided by the Florida Family Court. As filling out these forms can be tricky and mistakes are not easily rectified, it is advisable to consult an experienced divorce preparer.

The Easiest Way to File for Divorce in Florida may not be the Quickest Way

Divorce Quote

The Florida Supreme court realized that not all divorces are created equal. Some divorces require multiple hearings and even  divorce mediation. While this is all true some divorces are super simple and can be resolved quickly.

Quick Divorce in Fl Process 2

From these discussions a version of a simple divorce was created. These version is called Florida Simplified Divorce. In theory this type of divorce is meant to make things simpler. All they had to do was sign a few forms and come to the court together to file and then about a month later come together to the hearing.

Keyword: “together”. This has proven to be an impossibility to many people filing for a divorce.

We have heard of people getting the paperwork signed and then not being able to file it because the other party does not have time to go to court.


Not all Florida counties are created equal. Some counties have an expedited divorce process and allow anyone living in Florida to file for divorce using their court. If our client meets the criteria for a fast Florida divorce we file the case in Lee county because this is the county that allows cases to be filed and be finalized without a hearing, slashing the amount of time it would usually take.

Florida Quick Divorce Providers

Choosing a Florida quick divorce provider can be tricky with so many websites claiming they can get the divorce done quickly.  Do your research carefully and make sure there are review to back up their claims.


In closing, a Florida quick divorce is a great option if you qualify. Getting a divorce final judgement mailed to you in less than 45 days is a great option for busy people. While you can get a divorce quickly you need to make sure you understand the requirements and the forms needed. Hiring a professional may be a great option to help you with this process.


About seodiva123@gmail.com

Helping people start over has been my passion for the last 15 years. Add that to my obsession with process improvement and technical advances and what we get is thousands of people helped with their divorce process in Florida.