
Florida Simple Divorce

Florida simple divorce

Simple Divorce Process in Florida

What is a Simple Divorce in Florida?

A Florida simple divorce means there are no minor children, alimony or joint financial matters. If you are not sure your divorce is simple CLICK HERE

We have a flat fee structure, work quickly and have no-court hearing options. You will have access to us on Facebook messenger, email and personal cell phone. Most of our clients do not have to step into a courthouse.

Here is our process for a Simple Divorce in Detail.

Complete Case Management: 2 payments of $140.00 for a total $280.00

Includes Simple No-Court Divorce if qualified

Florida Simple Divorce Options

Option 1 – In Simple Divorce in Mutual Agreement

No Court Divorce

If both of you have been separated for quite some time and you feel things are pretty stable this is a great option.
For a Florida simple divorce without a court hearing (no-court divorce) the case will be filed in Lee County. It does not matter if you never lived there as long as one of you have lived in the State of Florida for the last 6 months.

This county makes the process very easy and accommodating for anyone filing for divorce.

Once efiled the judge reviews the documents and mails the final judgement to you and your ex in the mail within 30 days.

More detailed information: Florida Simple Divorce in Mutual Agreement

Our simple divorce in mutual agreement process is as follows:

  1. Submit the deposit of $140 and complete our client intake form
  2. We will prepare the forms based on one of the options below in 24-48 hours and email them to you for review and print.
  3. Take the forms to a notary of your choice. Notarizations are not included in our fee however most banks will notarize their customer’s documents for free.
  4. Submit the notarized forms to us by email or mail. We will review the forms and send you the invoice for the balance of $140. We will help you file the divorce forms and have the judge send the final judgement in the mail to both of you within 30 days.

Ready to get started?


Florida Simple Divorce 1

Option 2 – By Publication

This process is followed when the whereabouts of your ex are not known. The court submits an article on a local newspaper and runs it for 30 calendar days. Once it expires the newspaper submits the proof to the court and we submit the rest of the required documents.
You will receive the final judgement in the mail within 2 months of the case being filed.

More detailed information for a Simple Divorce by Publication

Option 3 – Divorce by Summons

This is required when your ex won’t cooperate with the process. After the forms are e-filed we submit the case to the local sheriff to get your ex served the divorce documents. Once served he/she will have 20 calendar days to respond in writing to the court.

There will be hearings that you will be required to attend.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if my spouse changes her/his mind?

We understand emotions can go into a roller coaster ride during this process. If your spouse decides not to participate in a mutual agreement divorce then the next option would be to get him/her served divorce papers.

If you become a complete case management client for a Florida simple divorce we will not charge extra to make the proper adjustments to the paperwork. Keep in mind the process will change as follows:

  • The case will require hearings and maybe even mediation. You are responsible for attending these hearings.
  • Once the respondent (your ex) is served we need to wait 20 calendar days until we help you with the 2nd step in order to request a hearing.
  • We will help you until the case is final however please understand we are not attorneys. We can help you with whatever paperwork is required but we cannot advocate on your behalf.

What if the Court Decides I Do Not Qualify for the Court Filing Fee Waiver?

The clerk of court decides if you qualify for the Application of Indigent Status. If they decide you do not qualify you can call them to request a payment plan.

Most courthouses will accommodate a 6 month payment plan. Paying the court filing fee in payments will not delay receiving the final judgement.

What if my ex contacts me after I filed my divorce by publication?

Not a problem! If you are a complete case management client for a Florida simple divorce we will prepare your ex forms and help you add them to the docket. Your divorce will be final quicker since we do not have to wait for the publication to expire to submit the Step 2 documents.

What if we got married in another State/Country?

This is a very common question. It does not matter where you got married. What matters is that either you or your soon to be ex has lived in the State of Florida for the last 6 months.

Ready to get started?

Click on the link below.


Have questions? Submit the contact form below or on the side and someone will contact you shortly.

Florida Divorce Papers

Online Divorce Resource

Disclaimer: We are not divorce attorneys and do not provide legal advice. Nothing on this website is to be considered legal advice. Please contact a Florida divorce lawyer for legal advice.

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Helping people start over has been my passion for the last 15 years. Add that to my obsession with process improvement and technical advances and what we get is thousands of people helped with their divorce process in Florida.